Other Herbaceous Supports - 1 -2 & 3 Ring Supports 20% off

  Suitable for all sizes of plant, from small front-of-border herbaceous varieties, up to very large Annabelle hydrangeas. Fabricated in nine sizes from small to XXL in both traditional 12mm and slimline 8mm solid mild steel.   *PLEASE NOTE: The larger items in collections require a 4-week timeline for delivery. Please contact us, if your order is needed within a shorter timeframe

Lesley Ann's Tip

“Make sure you put your supports in place as the plants start into growth. Once they are growing strongly it is much more difficult to wrestle a plant into a support. Read how to lift and divide herbaceous perennials in our Garden Journals.”


What are the best plant supports for hydrangeas?

Visitors often gasp at the size of our XXL hydrangea supports, but it’s easy to underestimate just how large some varieties grow, and how heavy their heads can get. Check what height your plant is likely to reach at maturity, and then aim to provide support for the lower half or two-thirds. And allow room for sideways spread as well; hydrangeas look their best when not constrained into a straitjacket.

Do hydrangeas need support?

In a classic shrubbery, hydrangeas receive support from their neighbouring shrubs. A sole specimen, or a bed devoted to hydrangeas, can be bowed down by heavy rain or, in the case of large-bloomed varieties such as the ever-popular ‘Annabelle’, come to near-collapse under the sheer weight of their flowerheads. A well-chosen 3-ring support will enable your hydrangeas to hold their heads high whatever the weather throws at them.

Do hydrangeas like pots or beds?

Smaller hydrangeas – and there are more and more appearing on the market – are happy in pots as well as beds. But you can expect even a compact variety to grow to about 1m (3ft) high and wide, so don’t skimp on the pot size. The larger hydrangeas will reach 2.5m (8ft) or more, so unless you have set your heart on a humungous planter, these really need to be in the open soil, where they can spread their roots and reach their potential; many of the larger varieties need a support.

Why do hydrangeas wilt so fast?

The clue to hydrangeas’ preferences is in where they grow wild: at the edge of woodland and in sheltered glades – not too sunny, not too dark; not too dry, not too wet. Hydrangea leaves are quite thin and they will wilt if they are exposed to too much hot sun or drying winds, and suffer if the soil around their roots dries out. Hydrangeas in pots, in particular, can suddenly wilt if their compost is not kept moist.

Should you prune hydrangeas?

Hydrangeas will be more shapely and more floriferous if they are pruned in the spring. Wait until you can see the new buds just beginning to swell, and simply cut back to the first or second buds below the old flowerhead. Don’t be over-zealous or you will get fewer flowers instead of more. If a shrub has been left to get straggly, it can be rejuvenated by cutting it right back, but you will lose a year’s blooms. Remember that many of the larger varieties benefit from a support.

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